

Grooming and Etiquette Workshop for Muslim Leaders (IIUM)

We were invited by Quranic Youth Club (QYC) of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) to conduct a workshop on basic grooming and etiquette on 21st August (Saturday). This workshop aims to enhance personality, motivation and self confidence of the participants who are mostly student leaders.

Four modules were presented during this one-day programme. These modules are Styles and Personality, Social and Professional Etiquette, Basic Daily Grooming and Hygiene and also Dining Etiquette and Table Manners.

Throughout the programme, all of the participants - which include local and international students, were active and participative. Many took part in various demonstrations and we believe such hands-on exercises help the participants to be more alert and give them better understanding.

Overall, the programme achieved its objectives and was very well-received. Many positive feedback were obtained and will soon be featured in our 'Testimonial' section. For more photo of this programme, please visit the gallery.